Well Woman Soma Series starting October 31st, 2020

— This workshop is fully booked. Please email me if you would like to be on the waiting list. —

Well Woman Soma Series 

 Workshop Series dedicated to nourishing your Body, Mind and Soul tuning into your beautiful wholeness.

In this workshop series we will come together to immerse deeper into practices and rituals that can be done later at home to heal and nourish your connection to Self. We will work from the base up, moving through the body in combination with the elements and the deep support of ancient techniques. Some of the techniques we will work with are shamanic journeying, movement (classic asana as well as intuitive movement), breathwork, herbal medicine crafting, massage, chanting  and meditation.

This 4-part workshop series will be held over two weekends on Saturday and Sunday, starting on a Full moon and ending on a New moon. You will learn (or go deeper into) self-care practices that can support you whenever you need them – this might be on a regular basis or sporadically throughout the year. Specific “ailments” will be addressed in the course of the workshop, with emphasis on holistic health and recognition of the mind, body, soul connection.

Immersion I – Saturday October (Full Moon) 31st, 14.00 – 18.30:

We will start from the base and work with the Earth element, ancestral healing, cultivating a true connection to the earth and the necessary groundeness to continue further on the heart centered path.

Together we will craft a medicinal tea using a deeply grounding meditative technique.

Our anatomical focus in this workshop will be the feet and legs.

Immersion II – Sunday November 1st, 13.00 – 17.00:

Moving further up and in the Water element. Our focus will be with the divine dance of the feminine. In this immersion we will practice releasing into the flow, ridding the body of stagnation. I will give you all of the information on yoni steaming so that you will feel comfortable and ready to practice this beautiful ritual at home. We will work with abdominal massage using a handcrafted oil that we will make together, along with further cleansing techniques.

The anatomical focus in this workshop will be the pelvis and abdomen.

Immersion III – Saturday November 14th, 14.00 – 18.30:

In this immersion we will journey into the Fire element and the heart space. Continuing further with shamanic journeying and more self-care techniques. I will introduce the ancient practice of Gua Sha  (healing masage technique.)

The anatomical focus in this workshop will be the heart, sternum, face and the lymphatic system.

Immersion IV – Sunday November 15th ( New Moon), 13.00 – 17.00:

Bringing it all together on the last day. We will practice kriya meditation and strengthen our center channel focusing on the always present connection to the Divine essence and our higher self.

The energetic focus in this immersion will be the chakras and the center channel (the Sushumna Nadi).

There will be time for healthy snacks and tea with a closing exchange in circle.


Whole series 4 days Chf 240.–

One weekend 2 days Chf 150.–

Please note this workshop is best booked as a whole course when possible.

For registration or futher infomation please contact Christine at info@someyoga.ch or 079 711 42 58

I am really looking forward to sharing these amazing an powerful teachings with you.



Monday August 17, 2020