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Yoga is a discipline that brings balance to the body, mind, and spirit.

This balance is realized by the practice of breathing exercises (pranayama), physical stretches of the body (asanas), and meditation. With a regular practice we are able to heighten our awareness of our body as well as our mind allowing for a calmer truer state of being. Yoga can be practiced by anyone at any stage in life.

The word hatha also has several translations. With ha meaning “sun” and tha meaning “moon,” we have the common interpretation of hatha yoga as “a union of the pairs of opposites.” A more technical translation of hatha yoga is “force or determined effort.” Thus hatha yoga, the “yoga of activity,” is the yoga that addresses the body and mind and requires discipline and effort. It is the yoga that we can feel, that we can experience, right here and right now. Hatha yoga is a powerful method of self-transformation.


Types of yoga offered

Hatha Yoga

Beginner’s Lesson
This lesson is ideal for those new to yoga as well as those who would like to build a solid foundation for their practice. We will focus on proper alignment of the basic standing poses, hip openers, forward bends, and twists, while becoming more aware of the breath.

All Levels
This lesson is suitable for those who are ready to practice with a heightened awareness. We will work with proper alignment, incorporating the breath and meditative sequences deeper into the practice.

Women’s Classes

This lesson is suitable for all women at any cycle in life. Postural exercises are practiced to continue strengthening the abdomen and pelvic floor as well as nurturing breathing exercises that help to develop a deep sense of stability and balance in the woman`s body. With the use of mudras (hand gestures) and specific meditations we can address many female specific topics.


Meditation is a practice of concentrated focus upon a sound, object, visualization, Breath, movement, or attention itself in order to increase awareness of the present moment, reduce stress promote relaxation and enhance personal and spiritual growth.

Restorative Yoga

For Restorative yoga, the intention is to relax as far as possible into the postures, using as little physical effort as possible. The mind focuses on the breath in order to cultivate mindfulness and release tension from the body.

Restorative yoga stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which slows the heart rate, regulates the blood pressure and relaxes the body. Restorative yoga is considered particularly beneficial for those suffering from anxiety, insomnia or headaches, as well as other stress-related conditions. Restorative yoga is believed to boost the immune system and accelerate the body’s natural healing process.